Union of Catholic Mothers

3 July 2024
‘Members of the UCM attended the National UCM Pilgrimage to Walsingham (England’s Nazareth) this year. A very prayerful & fun 2 days. Where, as Bishop Alan explained, the Lord sprinkles Holy Water in abundance! ‘
23 May 2024

The UCM had a fun evening at their May meeting. Josie Ryder demonstrated how to make a beautiful basket of flowers. As you can see by our efforts, she is a brilliant teacher! What a great evening!

22 March 2024

‘UCM Family Fun Fishy Quiz – We have had a high number of correct quiz sheets this year. You are all getting too good! Twelve prize winners will be receiving a gift bag of Pamper items. Thank you to all who have taken part & helped us raise £118 for the Development Fund. The Answers are available here, in the Church Porch and Parish Hall.’
Thanks, Helen

‘Calling All Knitters! Some ladies from the UCM are knitting miniature Teddy Bears to donate to the Women’s Refuge for the young children recently displaced. If anyone would like to help with this venture, please speak to Helen Appleby or any member of the UCM to get a pattern.’

13 July 2023

‘ The UCM ladies enjoyed our Summer Social last week. We visited Galata, had a few cocktails and a lovely meal. The company, as always, was brilliant! Thank you girls for being such a great bunch to work with! If you would like to join us, our next meeting is Tuesday September 5th at 7.30 in the Parish Hall’
Thanks Helen

‘The UCM ladies were out in force for Royal Ascot in June. We had a wonderful day; we were very lucky with weather & extremely lucky with the horses too!!  
20 May 2023

Today, the ladies from our parish UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers) participated in the Annual Aylesford Pilgrimage. It was a day filled with prayer and a chance to meet UCM members from different areas of our Archdiocese.

19 April 2023

The Ladies of the UCM had an impromptu night out at the Gong (Thai Restaurant at Lordswood) this week.  We enjoyed a lovely meal with lots of chat and banter. We also remembered our dear friend Theresa Mazza, who would have loved the evening. If you feel you would like to join this happy bunch, our next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd May at 7.30, when we have a podiatrist advising how we should look after our feet! Please contact Helen Appleby on 01634 216160, or see me at Church.

03 March 2023

‘UCM Family Fun Quiz’ – The results are in! (Please click here).
We had 8 correct answers from 27 returned sheets. As there was a number of winners the UCM decided to put all the 8 names in a hat and took out one who will receive the hamper. All the other winners will receive a small selection. The Answer Sheets are available at church in the porch and on the UCM noticeboard. All the winners have been notified. Thank you to all those who have helped raise £172.40 for the Society of Our Lady of Lourdes in memory of Sylvia Berko.’
Thanks Helen

09 July 2022

‘A lovely evening was had by the Ladies of UCM, as we had a demonstration of Flower Arranging by Josie Ryder. She then guided us through our own efforts, which, thanks to her, resulted in some lovely looking displays. Good enough for the flower arranging group I reckon! If you want to join the UCM & have fun with us, you are most welcome. First Tuesday of the month. Helen Appleby, President ‘

08 April 2022

‘The UCM ladies aren’t all work and no play! At our last meeting we had a Party Evening, celebrating significant birthdays for 3 of our members. Cake, presents, games and music were the order of the day. A great time was had by all. Next month (May) we are holding a Book Club/Exchange and the following month we will be delighted to have Josie helping us with Flower Arrangements. We are always looking for new members, so if you want to pop in and visit us, you are most welcome. Meetings are First Tuesday of the month; reminders are always in the Parish Newsletter.’

03 March 2022

UCM Family Fun Quiz – Results

Thank you to all who took part in our Greengrocer Quiz this year. We had a record number of correct answers and have divided the prize between all those who had 100%.We also received a huge number of answer sheets with only one or two wrong, so well done to everyone!
Our winners are Clare Boarer, Sara Williamson, Sandra & Tina Rocco and Margaret Whitworth. Congratulations! We have contacted these ladies and they will receive their prizes shortly.
Many thanks again to Marilyn Weiss, our Quiz master. Thanks also to our members who sold & collected all the sheets.

To download the full list of correct answers, please click here.

We actively work in the Parish, offering support to other Parish groups, our two primary schools and we are keen to establish links with other Church projects locally and nationally. The Walderslade UCM currently has 20 members and our meetings include guest speakers, fundraising initiatives and lively debate. 2014 marked the 100th Anniversary of the Union of Catholic Mothers nationally and we attended a number of events to mark this occasion. The UCM banner is displayed at the back of St Simon’s Church and we use it for any National or Regional events as well as at Mass.

Our Walderslade foundation, established in mid 70s, meets on the first Tuesday of every month in Emmaus Hall at 8.00 pm. Our UCM family not only help in the Parish, but we also feel it is important to take time out for social activities together, thereby strengthening lasting relationships.

12 November 2021

‘The UCM Ladies have been hard at work again! This time we have hand knitted a Nativity Set! We are planning to hold a Secret Auction to raise money for the Parish Funds. On 20th/21st & 27th/28th November after all weekend masses we will be distributing Bid Papers for those interested. And the beautiful Nativity Set will be on display.  Please hand in the Bid using the envelope provided to one of the UCM Ladies. We will then mark the envelope with the date & time received. The result will be made known over the weekend 4th/5th December. The highest bid will be successful. In the event of two equal bids, the Bid received earliest will be successful. Thank you for your support.’

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